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2023 – 1 Reimbursement for Airfare and Language Test Fee
게시글 내용

2023 – 1 Reimbursement for Airfare and Language Test Fee


Documents Deadline: ~January 28, 2023

Application Date: last week of each month

Reimbursement Date: second week of the next month from application date (closed before approval of graduates in February)

Reimbursement Subject: DEA enrolled students (not allowed for completed students or graduates)


*For reimbursements of foreign language test fee, enrolled students can apply up to three times. 

* When submitting the payment receipt, only receipt(sales slip) with authorized credit card code is allowed for a credit card payment. In case of transfer, 

certificates issued by the bank are needed to approve the transaction. Whithout these, you cannot be reimbursed.

*Screenshot of official test grades online cannot be substituted for transcripts.

*Please comply with the deadline for submission, especially for prospective graduates in August. (won’t be reimbursed after approval of graduation)

* Merge all documents listed above in order into one PDF file and submit privately (anonymously) to 'SUBMISSIONS OF FORMS’.

* Reimbursements are possible only for the tests of the proficiency level required for graduation or above, or one-level below. (ex. HSK level 3~ level 6)

* Full test fee will be reimbursed if you pass the exam, but only half of the test fee will be reimbursed if you fail the exam.’

* Tests taken before admission to DEA cannot be reimbursed.

* You must get a confirmation and signature from the Professor or Dean on Credit/Course Approval for Students Attending Exchange Program. 

(The file should be the same as the submissions to the office of academic affairs)

*The airfare refund is a maximum amount of 700,000 won. When filling out ‘airfare amount’ section in the application form, put the exact amount you paid and for the ‘reimbursement amount’

(DEA’s supported amount) section, put 700,000 won if the amount you paid exceeds 700,000 won and the exact amount you paid if the amount you paid is less than 700,000 won.

* Application forms are posted in NOTICE > APPLICATION FORMS.

1. Language Test Fee Reimbursement Form

- Application (attached, must be signed)

- Copy of the language test report card (screenshots of test scores will not be counted)

- Payment receipt

- Copy of ID cards (resident registration card, passport, or student ID card)


2. Airfare Reimbursement for Students Returning from Exchange Programs or Overseas Internships

- Application (attached, must be signed)

- A copy of the airline receipt

- Boarding passes or E-tickets

- A copy of the original certificate of completion for the internship (for those who participated in overseas internship)

- A copy of your passport

- A copy of transcript and approval of required courses from the exchange program (for those who participated in exchange program)

- A copy of your bank account number

항공료_환급신청서_REIMBURSEMENT_APPLICATION.docx Application_for_Foreign_Language_Test_Fee_Reimbursement.hwp